We found ourselves neighbours with the boat Gamechanger in the stunning Taransay Sound for a couple of nights recently. Chartered through Yacht Charter Fleet, and seen by many in the area, as reported in the Greenock Telegraph, we’d like to get this message to those on board.
Please can you kindly forward this message to those who were in Taransay with us? We appreciate your help.
To whom it may concern
A set of coincidences. How we wish wish we’d shared a cup of tea or a glass of wine before you left.
Hello, and wasn’t it beautiful! We watched intrigued as first T-10 and then yourselves glided into the anchorage at Taransay. It has to be the most perfect anchorage we’ve ever had the joy to experience. With sunsets, pristine beaches, crystal clear azure water dappled and shimmering in the sunlight, I can’t imagine anywhere surpassing it.
No words in my book can do it justice, but then at literally the self same time you were enjoying the thrill of jet skies we had the fun of kayaking across in our inflatable from our Oyster 475 Sukama. It was a first as we’d never kayaked that far before, but fabulous. As we landed your team were just finishing packing away the gazebo. We rashly decided to venture up the closest hill but turned out that wasn’t such a good idea – marran grass scratched bare legs and the biting flies were fiercesome leaving a legacy I’m still testimony to today.
But incredibly, and almost simultaneously, it was announced publicly that our dancing daughter Jen has been awarded a British Empire Medal (BEM), for services to disabled people. Perhaps not unusual – many BEMs are awarded – but notably unusual for someone with Down’s syndrome! We are all over the moon!
DanceSyndrome is our charity. Fuelled by palatable energy and joy and led by dancers with learning disabilities, it has taken off in the most extraordinary way! Led by Jen and a most wonderful team of people, they work inclusively welcoming all from all areas of society and walks of life, disabled or non-disabled. They are trail blazing. In brief, they’ve torn up the rule book, instead working creatively achieving better futures and outcomes for all – equity, being respected and valued for who they are, belonging. They are Gamechangers themselves which seemed even more fitting that we shared the same space at this incredible point in time.
I hope we might chat yet, to appreciate together the extraordinary privilege of being able to drop the anchor in such an incredible place, to share something of our journeying through life and the immense rewards of being opportunistic. Malcolm and I certainly feel very lucky having worked hard over many years to find ourselves where we are today.
Fellow sailors from Taransay Sound
Sue and Malcolm Blackwell
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